Monday, December 10, 2012

Letter from the Future

Ah man it was a good week. Just a funny week I guess. I don't know if that much actually happened. Well actually there was some big stuff. For the Hospital thang... it's not exactly what we wanted. But we are on the list to be contacted at the hospital if anyone asks for us. The radio station avenue... still a big possibility. We can interview someone or share inspirational scripture or just rap on the air.. I don't know. We can do anything. So I welcome any of your ideas on what we can do with this harnessed potential. Patrick met with President Wilson and it all went well. He can be baptized now. I'll keep you updated on that. We're working closely with our ward and are receiving a lot of referrals lately for people we can visit. I feel so blessed to know these people. They are everything to me.

The other day we were on our way to visit someone in an old apartment complex and this rocker guy walks by us and says, "Jesus, man!" And we were like,"Yeah!" And he just kept on walking by. Then about two minutes later he finds us knocking on someones door and tells us to follow him. So we did. And he took us into his apartment and starts to shred on the guitar ha. After a couple minutes of that he was like, "Hey how old are you guys?" We told him how old we were and he was like, "Ah no way man you're way older than me.. I'm from the future. Good to meet you guys." Then we talked about Jimi Hendrix and he said we were his best friends. On our way out he told us about his time with Moses back in the day and that we are sent from "The One." So that was probably... one of my favorite experiences. Drugs man. Drugs. Don't do drugs.

Another beauty: We've been working with a family in our ward to help them get to the temple. It has been a really emotional journey for them, especially for the husband to receive the Priesthood. I didn't know how much progress they were making on it lately and yesterday after Sacrament Meeting the husband came up to me and asked if I would ordain him into the office of Elder! I had this electricity flow through my veins when he asked me that. I don't know. I love the blessings that come from following this gospel. He was so happy. Just glowing. So I ordained him with my shaky hands under the Stake President and Bishop's steady grip... I felt inadequate. That's not unusual. But The Spirit helped me out like always. Gave me words. Gave me strength. If there's one thing I would take away from this mission (which I couldn't because there's too much to take away) it would be to always have the spirit with me. I just need it. I'm pretty messed up with out it. It's a beautiful gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We finally went to the Temple (March 16th). We have received our endowments and are sealed. Thank you for being a part of our journey! - Liz Howes

Here's a little Emerson for you!
“The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship.”