Monday, June 2, 2014

Moses Avenue: May 27, 2014

This week could be remembered as a week of learning and insight. I have learned, among many other things that you truly, “get what you go for.” It’s all a matter of what direction I am facing. I know where I can go for peace. I know what it is that saves me and enables me. I know in whom I have trusted. No matter my waters of the great deep or my afflictions in the wilderness, I know the Lord is my shepherd. I have a testimony of the little things. I believe that the small amounts of effort we put into our spiritual growth is what will make the difference in our big decisions.
I wonder what it will be like when I don’t have all the scripture language in my mind when I’m writing or talking. I use that kind of language halfway facetiously but, at the same time, it’s nice to always have scriptures on the top of my head as I try to express my thoughts. The spirit is able to bring all things to my remembrance that Christ has said to me and I never want it to go away. I almost want to go on a rant of all the things I am NOT without the spirit, just to illustrate my thoughts right now, but then I realized there wouldn't be enough time in the day or room on the computer for such a list. I know that I truly am nothing without my Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ. The difference is infinite. 
I went to the San Juan Islands yesterday for P-day. It was like all of the beautiful creations in life decided to settle in a small group of Islands for my ferry to pass by and enjoy. This family (the home that I Skyped from on Mother's day) took us up there. Their company might've even been better than the majestic sighting experience.  I just love them. I wish I were still in their ward. I love the ward I'm in though, Mays Pond, or in other words, The Land of the Successful and Scholarly. It's a very nice area with even nicer people. It's a place I wish I could spend more time in. With zone conferences, exchanges, office work and logistical disasters, we often don't have time to proselyte there. We were able to somehow find three new investigators this week though. I thank the Lord for that little tender mercy. Always watching over. Yes, Mom, I did take pictures on the ferry trip. Just for you, actually. I made sure everyone reminded me at least every five minutes to take a picture for you. I'm trying to make up for all the lost memories that are only kept within this brain of mine. If I could go back in time and capture them on film for you, I surely would. Maybe.  
I will tell you about my zone conference of laws and motions while sitting by the beautiful ocean (I really am by the ocean. Don't think I just say things to make it sound nice). The training is based off of Newton's Laws of Motion. Sound familiar, Dad!? Thanks for the idea! I start off by inviting a missionary, and typically choose the biggest one, to come up front for a little demonstration. I tell him that my objective is to push him to the back of the room and he can't let that happen. We brace ourselves and then I push him as hard as I can for about five seconds so that we're all nice and exhausted. Everyone laughs (they better laugh!) and then I ask what happened when I pushed against him. "He pushed back," they all say in one accord. "Yes! He pushed back when I pushed against him. How much progress did we make in any direction?" 
"None, you stayed in the same spot," they hesitantly respond because of the obviousness of the question. Woops. 
"Exactly. We made no progress but used plenty of energy. 
Newtons Third Law of Motion: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 
That was the principle that was demonstrated. Let's try another scenario," I would say as I prepared for another encounter with the largest missionary within the region. "Ok, same thing as last time, don't let me push you to the back of the room, ready?"
"Ready!"....................... and we just stare at each other in a competitive position with our hands up for a good five seconds. We stand back up straight and face the audience while they laugh in slight confusion. "Ok, what happened that time!?" I say with an expected excitement.
"Nothing! You didn't do anything."
"Hey, you're right! How much progress did we make...?" and so on until we come to the same conclusion as last time. Except this time we didn't use any energy.  
Newton's First Law of Motion: An object at rest will stay at rest unless it is acted upon by another force.
I then walk around for the final demonstration: Put my arm around the large missionary and walk with him in the same direction. Progress made. Energy harnessed and used effectively. 
Newton's Second Law of Motion: Momentum and Acceleration. 
I then relate it to contacting and how we see these laws being portrayed in the way we talk with people. We often push against people and they push back, or we don't make a move by either not talking to them or giving up too soon or too easily.  Actually, we're all going for the last one--overcoming objections, resolving concerns and helping them come unto Christ.  
"What are the typical concerns you hear when you first knock on a door?" We'll ask while writing on the board. "Not interested, already have a church, preconceived notions, too busy." The list goes on and on. We focus on one for our training so we can give more concrete examples than merely principles: "Not interested." We read in PMG and talk about how we are to overcome those objections in an effective way rather than pushing back or giving up too easily. We demonstrate the different laws of motion in contacting and what they look like. It's a crowd favorite to bash or to give up way too easily. I think they can all relate to the bad examples that we give. I've done those a million times in real life.  
The purpose is to help the people lower their hands from the defensive place and in a position where they're more receptive. A couple key notes is to show that you understand the person's concern. Even state it back to them. "I understand you're not interested, and that's ok! We're not here to twist your arm or anything like that. Out of curiosity though, do you mind if I ask what makes you not interested?" OR something along those lines to be able to understand what their concern is more fully. That way you can actually work with them. How are we supposed to resolve concerns if we don't know what it is? There are many wise words from Sean T. (Of Insanity fame). I think in this case, "Dig Deeper," really seems to hit the nail right on the head. Then trusting in the Spirit to understand what they are trying to say and how you can help them understand the truth.  I know that if people understood the reality about their misconception they would be fine. We have nothing to hide. Our message is true and if they understood it the right way they would know that for themselves. We don't need to fear. Trust in our message. Trust in God. Trust that the Spirit will help these friends of ours understand.
We have them practice the very opening of a contact, we come back together. Then we talk more about different principles and tips and then have them practice closing a contact so they can get another appointment and help them progress. It's a good one. I thank my Papa for it. He's my hero. 
I've been on exchanges from Bellingham to Lynnwood (North most part of the mission to furthest South) and all in between the past couple of weeks. Right now I'm in Mt. Vernon on an exchange and I'm just loving life. I'm sitting in the library chair that I sat in the very first time I emailed home as a missionary. We're going full circle here again, folks. The first shall be last. The last shall be first. It's a stretch, but it works. 
Notice how I'm wearing the camera around my chest. I did that for you, Mom :) So I wouldn't forget to capture every moment. That's my manly companion, Elder Garrett Wright Largent.

This is my best friend, Brother Kienzle. I'm pretty sure he was tickling my neck in this picture. He and his wife are moving to Vegas soon for him to attend med school. He's going to be a neurosurgeon. 

Elder Trent Jay Merrill 

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