Monday, June 3, 2013

Lights on Broadway

I'll try to break it down in a few words because I don't have much time.

I love you.

I love God.

I love my mission.

That could, if you wanted to think hard enough, explain all the desires and actions of the past week.. but I'm sure you don't want to dig that far down into your consciousness to retrieve my underlying implications. I certainly wouldn't. So I'll go back up to the surface with you and tell you the thoughts on my mind... at this time.

1. I am.... getting transferred.

2. Do I know where I'm going? Almost positive... am I afraid? I am...

3. I haven't slept for while.

4. Cast out demons this week. I learned a lot about the reality of things. There is so much I don't know. So much at play I can't see. I want to see. I want to know.

5. We have 3 investigators with a baptismal date. Found 16 in total this transfer. All in the Lord's hand.

6. God does work miracles... in His own time. I think that's the part I'm always missing. He will fulfill His promise to me... but not always when I want it. I've always heard that. It's generally a principle we say and somewhat accept in the back of our minds but... I never, and still don't, fully grasp it. I'm starting to. I'm so happy. I know that God is good. He is real. He is aware. He is omni...everthing! I can only get a taste of His love and it leaves me wanting more.

7. I've heard it been said that time plays tricks on you. I often find myself in the land of the lotus eaters. Clock is always ticking. We're always getting closer to that God who gave us life... but we don't see it. We can't see it all. Or at least can't fathom it all.. but if we could.. it would change everything. Triviality and minutia would have no place. I want to see things for what they truly are. I'm so far and I know that I am so small. I am such a small piece to the grand puzzle of eternity in the smallest part of time. I want to make the best of it while I can.

I don't know if you could tell but I don't remember any specifics this week. That's why you get the vague cliche's for the week. My mind is gone. Not here in the moment. Pretty distracted. I'll get back though. Usually do.

From the little guy to the big guy,

Elder Trent Jay Merrill

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