Monday, September 30, 2013


Mediocrity seemed to take a trip in this neck of the woods.... I just don’t feel like we accomplished all that much. Maybe we did. I don’t really know. Complacency looked like it came along too. Weird. I even feel pretty motivated and hopeful right now… So maybe my internal and external forces are not aligned? Whatever that means…

On to the reality of things again… this week was one of those meeting weeks…. where we had meetings and stuff… you get the idea. We had leadership training with all of the sister, district, and zone leaders. I think it went pretty ok… I think I’d really like to be on the other side of training again someday. Where I can listen to new topics from my leaders and have my little mind blown. I do like instructing and making the trainings every week for the mission but… I miss being the designated learner sometimes. Call me lazy I guess...but don’t really do that because I might take it personally… just might be a little self-conscious today. JP (Just playin’ (translation for the more mature generation))
Looking ahead I see a lot to be done and several opportunities up for the grab. We’re collecting leadership recommendations from the zone leaders this week and will have a meeting with President this Friday. It’s one of my favorite meetings we have every transfer. We’ll discuss how to potentially split and realign zone boundaries, which will be a good time… and the new leadership for next transfer. We usually talk about every single missionary in the mission and hear President’s thoughts and share our impressions about them.
Oh so last night Sister Bonham invited us to go over for dinner with the family. They have their daughter in town and wanted to have a pre-thanksgiving feast since they can’t be together. So it was just me, my comp, Larken, Sister and President Bonham. It was just like a nice little family dinner ha. We laughed and told jokes and stories and then ate some turkey and pie and enjoyed each other’s company. It was like the best night ever. Then we just met with President about what’s going on in the mission and what rules we should consider changing. It was productive, trunky and wonderful. What a great night. I miss you, dear family of mine….
Drum roll please…. Katy was confirmed yesterday! She’s great. She moves to Bellingham this week to go back to college. Keep her in your prayers please.
Human or dancer,

(In case you don't know, the Killers are Trent's favorite band. "Human or dancer" is one of their songs. Also, the number on the subject line he says is some kind of code, but I can't crack it. Debbie)

Elder Trent Jay Merrill

P.S.The picture is of Katy at her baptism! (She just had her tonsils out a couple of days before she got baptized)

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