Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lady Bug

Yep, I was just mountain biking. That's why I'm late. Good guess. Elder Brockbank wanted to end his stay here in Snohomish with a bang... Dang. Actually every single companionship in the zone has someone transferring out. Just a bunch of new faces coming this way tomorrow. I'm.... torn. I don't know who my new companion is yet but I'll just decide to love him now. That should make everything a lot easier.

Hey so I was having a pretty hard week. I'm happy... It's just been a struggle. This area has always been really successful. Lots of baptisms, lots of investigators. For some reason all of our investigators are falling off the map. One got a job where they work from 10:00AM to 9:00PM (our exact proselyting hours.. hmmm) Another moved to Florida. One has parent's who won't let her get baptized... I don't know. There's just weird things happening and It's easy to get down about it. I tend to do this thing where I blame myself for what happens around me. I don't think that's always the best thing to do but sometimes it's true. I definitely need to change something. I just don't know what. Here I am again... something's got to give. I think it was on Thursday I was feeling a lot of the stress and before we went out for the day I knelt down and said another prayer. In the middle of the prayer, an investigator, who we haven't got a hold of in a long time, texted us and invited us over for dinner. Pretty cool. I love stuff like that.

Earlier last week I went on an exchange with the Elders in the Sultan ward. I was with Elder Simon while we went to visit one of their potential investigators. It was an old man named Bill. We were talking with him for a bit and he was really nice. We were talking about the Book of Mormon and all the golden conversations. He seemed interested but decided to say, "l'll never be mormon" ha. They were about to go on a trip and his wife said something about Bill hopefully feeling better before they left. I just thought, "Yeah I hope so too. Poor guy." So we left and then as we were walking I stopped and thought for a bit and then turned around to go back to Bill's and then turned around again and walked towards the car and then finally I just stopped. Apparently I was having a prompting of some sort but I just felt weird about bothering them again. After a while of looking like an idiot in front of Elder Simon and getting all sweaty we just went up to the door and I asked Bill if he would like a blessing, and explained what it was. He was pretty happy to let us do it and so we did. Afterwards they asked if we could come back and invited us over for lunch the next week. I love the spirit.

Hey I have a really lame story but It's on my mind for some reason. So first, a little background: I remember sitting in psychology class at the good ole' BYU Idaho one day and feeling pretty down. I looked at my notes and noticed there was a little lady bug! I looked at it for the next hour and felt better. Ok, now that you know about that significant event in my life maybe you'll appreciate this next one. I was over at our Bishop's house and I was feeling pretty down again. Wasn't showing it or anything, just feeling it. Then I saw it. Yep there was a lady bug on the table! Ha I'm not even particularly fond of lady bugs but ah man I felt so happy and this is the lamest story I've ever told you and I don't know why I'm still writing about it.

I love my family,

Elder Trent Jay Merrill

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