Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Rain Stain: February 24, 2014

Today is going to be one of those days where I don't say much but I mean everything that I say. Here are my seven observations and experiences for the week.

1. I have come to love umbrellas despite the criticism it often brings from "Washingtonians."
2. Diligence often comes with miracles. We found a new miracle this week and he loved church and the spirit.
3. Tracting is not as ineffective as some people think. Love is the key. Charm doesn't hurt.
4. I continue to fall short of perfection. It sometimes let it get to me. I have never felt more motivation to keep going strong. I can only thank Heavenly Father for that.
5. I love my mission and the dreams of home are becoming a little too vivid.
6. I miss everything: My friends in Bellingham, the friends I will leave here someday soon. Nostalgia is everywhere.
7. I know, now more than ever, that Joseph Smith was and is a Prophet of God. I've been studying him extensively and love him dearly.
I often want to know everything.
Elder Trent Jay Merrill

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