Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Master of my Soul

My lovely family,

I'm sorry that I am so late to write you. It's my companions last P-day.... he wanted to go shopping and go to do some stuff with the district so that's why i'm so late. It was pretty fun though. How are you guys? Good? I hope good. Mom: I got your letter. Loved it. You wrote to my soul. Thank you so much. Also, I got the letter from Sis. Dahl from all of the YW and it was the sweetest thing in the world. Please thank her for me. I loved it. You asked me how we taught single sisters? Well we have to have an adult male with us. So we always just find members to come with us to lessons anyways. Or at least we try to.
Dad: I got your letter too and it was amazing. I especially loved how you showed the contrasting poems. That hit me in a different way than I expected because I've read the "Captain of my Soul- Invictus" one when I was in high school and thought it was the coolest thing ever. I didn't think about it the way that Orson F. Whitney wrote about it. I loved that. Thank you so much. I am so grateful for you guys. Ah man you have no idea.

So this week was pretty cool. It was probably the fastest one I've had so far. I went on two exchanges and really enjoyed them. I'm quite excited for whatever is coming my way. It could be a huge change. Next Tuesday is transfers. I'll let you know everything next email.

Carl's baptism is this Saturday. It's going to happen this time I can feel it.

One of the transfers I went on was with my Zone Leader. It was sick. He isn't allowed to drive so I cruised while we listened to some beautiful alternative christian music. The ZL's area is really big so we ended up driving like 100 or more miles that day and just talked and chilled the whole time. We taught a lot of lessons and saw a lot of miracles. It was pretty cool.

On Halloween night we all had to be in our apartments by six o'clock so we would be safe or something. I watched the testaments and had a pretty cool experience. I was thinking about the little things again. About how I can become a better person and a better teacher. I don't want to hold myself back from saving all of my friends here on Whidbey Island.... so I think about that from time to time. I think about how I can change... because I still need a lot of that. Sometimes I picture Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and I just talk to them. I ask what I can do to change. I had the conference talks and scriptures come into my head and I felt Christ ask me, "Do you love me?" and I thought about it for a while and I realized how much I do love Him. How I can stand boldly and unashamed and say, "I love you, Master," and I know he will believe me because he knows my heart. I've never been in a position to feel that way. It changes everything. That's all that matters. Everything else falls into place. The little things become big again and I start to recognize significance in everything. I really like that. I really love those moments. 

P.S. Regarding the picture: The piano was outside because I carried it down the freaking stairs!! so it was a big deal. It took ten people to take it down the first time apparently. So the lady who owned it calls me the Gorilla because I was crazy and took one side by myself. I only slightly hurt myself. It was worth it though.

The Captain of the Soul- Invictus by William E. Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance,
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

The Soul's Captain [The Answer] 
by Elder Orson F. Whitney of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Art thou in truth? Then what of him
Who bought thee with his blood?
Who plunged into devouring seas
And snatched thee from the flood?
Who bore for all our fallen race
What none but him could bear.
The God who died that man might live,
And endless glory share?
Of what avail thy vaunted strength,
Apart from his vast might?
Pray that his Light may pierce the gloom,
That thou mayest see aright.
Men are as bubbles on the wave,
As leaves upon the tree.
Thou, captain of thy soul, forsooth
Who gave that place to thee?
Free will is thine — free agency
To wield for right or wrong;
But thou must answer unto him
To whom all souls belong.
Bend to the dust that head "unbowed,"
Small part of Life's great whole!
And see in him, and him alone,
The Captain of thy soul

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