Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Fan is on Medium

This is the space between the second hand's tick. Where I anticipate the inevitable. Where time slows down just enough to make me forget I'm even waiting. In a couple hours I'll get a new companion. I'll still be on the island though. It's not that big of a deal to all of you out there who are reading this. I'm not even sure if it's a big deal to me... but it feels big.. and I feel small.. because I don't have any influence over the situation. Other than to accept whatever comes my way with open arms. Wish me luck. 

The Moffets: They're a couple in our ward that I love
I am very glad that i"m staying in Penn Cove. It feels so good here. Always beautiful. I know the ward really well and don't want to leave my investigators I'm working with.

Carl was baptized! I probably should have wrote that first but I am a little distracted right now so that's my excuse. The baptism was pretty special. When he came out of the font and got dressed he came into the room and sat down and said, "I feel clean," with a huge smile on his face. It was so peaceful. I am going to miss meeting with him that often. I learned a lot from them.

Cameron Wakefield
So the lady sitting next to me in the library right now just told me her sad life story. It was quite interesting. I feel weird right now.. but in a good way. I'm grateful for not having that sad story in my own memory. I feel really bad for her too. I would never have assumed any of that if I just looked at her. It opens my eyes to see that everyone around me has problems. They all need this message and they all need God and I can help them find Him. 

Carl Smith and his wife Margaret on his big day
So Sunday night i went to dinner in first ward with elder hall. For some reason i felt peace, peace that I've never felt that strongly. It was weird. I want that always. I don't know why it came at that time but it was just like, "everything is good, everything is going to be ok. I am happy." I just wanted to tell you about it because it was really special to me. How has your week been? Thank you so much for your letters. I seriously just have no idea how I can ever thank you enough for your love and support.

Elder Trent Jay Merrill

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