Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Beautiful Monotony

I've heard that life is what you make it. I think that was my theme this week. I am so tired. All the time.... and it's the best kind of tired I've ever felt. I can't explain it. If I sit still too long then I'm out ha. We're just always going and I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way.

We had a conference call this week with President Wilson and the other zone leaders and talked about how we can increase the desire in the mission. We're going to focus on finding two new investigators a week in each companionship across the mission. Hopefully we'll be able to help the zone get motivated and help them find a big ole desire in their hearts. We'll be going on a lot of exchanges with the Elders this week. I hope that helps.

This has been the quickest week of my mission.... maybe. I thought a lot. Even more than usual. I don't know what took my mind into this realm of stupor... but occasionally I did find myself there. I do the same thing every day. I talk to different people but I basically bring up the same topics. Every once in a while I catch myself being stuck in a routine. Maybe even a little insincere. I don't like that. At all. But it just happens sometimes. I was thinking of how I can break the robotics and become human again. (It's not as extreme as I'm making it sound I'm sure) but I miss the innocence and serenity I had when I was first called Elder. I came up with something that's been helping. And it's something simple: gratitude. And not just for the big things but really taking a step back and appreciating each breath I have. Each morning I wake up and have the opportunity to do something good that day. Every feeling and smell and all of the beautiful (or not beautiful) colors that are all around me. I have hands that work, two of them. I can walk, I can see, I can talk. I can experience all that life has to offer and when that reality really sets in, there is no such thing as monotony. The mundane becomes beautiful and the routine becomes exciting. I am grateful today.


Elder Trent Jay Merrill

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