Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Apostles and Things

I'm not positive... but pretty positive... that I forgot to tell you something kind of important. The time has already passed though so now I'll just give you the good news. Also, I don't have much time today so it might be short. 

Drum roll..................................................Elder Bednar came to our mission this week! Elder Pymm and I were the only companionship that got to see him in three different meetings. We lucked out, right? Right. So there's two big pieces of info for you: One: Elder Pymm is my new companion and he's a beautiful soul and face. I've known him for his whole mission... we were already friends. It's sick. Two: Elder Bednar came to the WEM! (Washington Everett Mission AKA WEM AKA Where the Playas' Play AKA Can't Beat This)

Three talks we read to prepare: Converted unto the Lord, Ask in Faith, and Seek Learning by Faith. I tried to read each scripture reference and break everything down. It made some big ole differences from how I usually study a talk. I should probably learn from that and always do that? Yes. We drove down to Arlington (about an hour south of Bellingham) for the big day on Saturday. The whole mission was together. Elder Draper was conducting and I gave the opening prayer. When I got up on the stand I looked at Elder Bednar and he was just staring at me with his hand on his crossed over knee. Scared? No. Really? No... not really. I was scared. He didn't move that position the entire prayer Elder Draper said. What a boss. We were all expecting Elder Bednar to chastize and throw down on us. And I was stoked for it too... but it was sooo different. He was so happy, relaxed and just joked around with us. He opened it up for us to ask questions and then he'd ask us questions and we'd observe the pattern of learning by faith and through the spirit. At one point he asked, "If you had a question, and no one has asked it and it hasn't been brought up at all, did you still receive an answer to that question?" Almost everyone raised their hand. The holy ghost testifies of the truth we need when we are engaged, participating and acting. We are not objects but agents to act for ourselves. I really wish I had time to go off on all the principles I've been learning about that lately. It's huge. Study the talks that Elder Bednar requested us to read and you will know the subtle truths that will unlock your own personal revelation and guidance. I learned a lot at least... see what you think.

After the missionary meeting there was a special YSA fireside and we had investigators coming to it so we were allowed to stay. In between the two meetings I got some sushi with my good ole buddy, Elder Draper. It was great. Well... one of the rolls was a struggle to get down. I kind of cried as I chewed. I like sushi now though, did I tell you that? I love it actually. I think it's because I learned how to use chop sticks and now... everything is better. Anyways, Apostle: The fireside was the same format as ours. Not just a speech or talk but a pattern of learning and asking. I remember after Elder Bednar said a joke he said something like, "You guys don't know me very well. You probably think I'm really serious and stern because that's all you see in conference. Well, Duh! That's not the place to mess around!" Ha then he just laughed. I just wanted to be around him all day... and I kind of was.... so.....

The next day Elder Bednar came to Bellingham for a special stake conference. The YSA's were able to sit in the choir seats behind the pulpit so that was a good time. I wore my glasses and everything. Elder Bednar went up with out any notes or paper and directed all of his comments to non-members. He taught almost all of the missionary lessons. It was so clear and with so much power and authority. Beautiful. One of our investigators turned around and smiled and waved at us when he said it's directed to non-members ha how cute.

Oh man! I have just one more thing that's great news. First, the girl I met last week and our upcoming baptism are still doing good. Same with our other 4 investigators: and a lot of others. Now onto another investigator: this is the good news. We finally got a hold of him after about four weeks of no contact. We had two lessons set up at the same time so I split with our WML and Elder Pymm went with another member. I decided to teach Him about baptism, even though he's been taught and been going to church off and on for two years. His girl friend is a member in Lynnwood so that's how he got involved with the whole Mormon thing. We taught about baptism and then talked about faith. How we receive answers and what not. At first it wasn't going really anywhere, but for some reason I felt like I should bring up having a baptism date to prepare for. So I asked if he's ever had a baptismal date to work towards. He said no. So we talked about that and he was hesitant at first and so we kept talking about faith and I used the examples and principles that I learned in Elder Bednar's talks. Long story short: He's being baptized on the 14th of December. It was a great lesson. His girlfriend came up to me at the special YSA fireside and was so happy. Ada boy to our investigator, Way to commit. Way to act. That's how you do it.

Oh, yes, I was interviewed by that journalist guy. Twice actually. It's been good I'll definitely send you a copy of the report when he's done. Probably in a couple weeks he said. I tried to bear testimony to him in all of his questions but turns out he's an Atheist and just interested in my story of turning around to coming on a mission. So... eh. We'll see how that all goes.

Sunshine and wet feet,

Elder Trent Jay Merrill

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