Monday, December 30, 2013

Late December Back in '63

Oh, what a night... talkin' with the fam. All the memories and the love flooding back into my mind and heart. Thank you, my dear loved ones.

Well, as for missionary work, not too much happened this week. It just so happens that it was Christmas week... and it also just so happens that it a break from school at WWU which means... diddley to do for the Elders. But hey.... we somehow kept busy and had a good ole' time.

I'll give you a little update on our awesome investigator. We took him to a baptism that was going on in the zone the other day and he just adored it. He said he was visualizing himself being baptized throughout the ordeal and that was, of course, some sweet candy to our little ears. Then the next day (yesterday) we had a lesson with him before a fireside that a member told us to go to. We didn't really know what the fireside was about so we just invited him to come anyways. It was at the church so... couldn't be too bad. As we were walking in the member who was with us (Scott) told our investigator who was doing the fireside:"The Gardner Sisters." Elder Pymm and I had no idea who they were but apparently our investigator did because he just straight flipped. Ha he just kept hitting Scott and yelling, "Shut up! Shut up! You're kidding!" It was pretty dang hilarious if I do say so myself... which I do. So our investigator runs into the chapel and hugs those Gardner Sisters and we sat there and listened to some beautiful music and messages about Christ. It was quite spiritual... which I wasn't expecting. I took a lot away from that night, including a signed tie from the Gardner Sisters and pictures with them and all the missionaries. Don't make fun of us... they were pretty great.

I feel like I told you most of everything when we skyped... so if you have any questions feel free to shoot them my way. I sure love you!

While I walk,

Elder Trent Jay Merrill

I think these pics are pretty funny. Christmas Eve Slumber Party!


Gardner Sisters and The Gang

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